Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Kylee has made some new friends! This is Kirsten (aka: Kiki) and Mattie. She absolutely LOVES playing with older girls. She is a year to two years younger than both of them but she fits right in because she always has acted like an older "big" girl! All our neighbors that she plays with are at least 8 years old or older. So she just thinks she so big and "cool"! Hahaha!
One of her most favorite things to do is play dress up (typical girly girl). These girls kept coming out in cute dresses and costumes. They begged us to let them put make up on and when we finally gave in, this is what we found.....(make up everywhere)!
Final product.....cute girls!

I love having a girl!!! I would be so happy with all girls! But I really want a boy for David. As much as he LOVES this girly girl stuff, I'm sure he wants a boy soon so he can teach him all his mad "sports" skills!!! Haha! One day!!!


kimberly said...

i definitely enjoy having a girly girl too because i wasn't much of one when i was younger. it's so fun too watch the girls grow up. kylee definitely fits in with the older girls.

*Katie May* said...

That's neat she has some fun neighbors she gets along with.

heidi said...

how fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Kylee will love looking at these when she's older :) So cute!