What an emotional day!! Kylee started her first day of preschool today. She was soooo excited and I was so excited for her, but I was also sad because my baby is growing up so fast and there's no stopping it! She is so excited and ready to start school. I know she'll love it and learn so fast! She's going to be a young one when she starts Kindergarten (since her birthday is in August) so I felt that starting her in preschool early was very important.
Here she is all ready to go and excited!!!
I love the look on her face........if she were to say something, I'm sure it would be...."Why are you following me Mom......just drop me off"! (because she did mention that on the ride over there - - she said, "You can just drop me off Mom") - No kiss??!!!! Sniff sniff!

A big reason why she was so excited to start preschool was because some of her most favorite friends from church go there. Here she is with Matthew Lindblom and Tylee Payne.
So....day one down! I'm actually shocked that I'm not crying because yesterday during Sunday School at church, I got emotional thinking about the fact that Kylee was now in primary and not nursery anymore. She's graduating from all the toddler stuff and onto the big kid stuff! Ohhhh....my baby!!!
look how cute she is! Looks like she's feeling much better!
SO cute and excited! Love the one of 'why are you following me?' :)
ahhhhhhh....i almost had a tear FOR YOU STEF!!!!
She is way too cute! How exciting to start school - she's growing up so fast!
holy smokes! she's already in preschool?! she sure is a beautiful girl.
that's funny that she wanted you to just drop her off. i have a feeling emmi will be the same way, i think she already gets embarrassed of me. haha.
She was so cute in primary. She would get up and come over to Tylee, and wave at her, then go and sit down. It is sad and exciting to see them grow.
Brooklyn is just around the corner from going to preschool. It makes me so sad, I feel for you. By the way Thanks for emailing me back I am very impressed by how you handle it all. I hope I would do as well. Talk to you later
time goes way too fast, huh?! she is super duper cute.
Okay, I'm TOTALLY laughing right now because I just FINALLY got on my blog and decided to change my background from Christmas. Last time I changed it, I went on your page and we had the SAME one so I changed it again. Well, I thought, "Wouldn't that be funny if Stefany had the same one again?" TOTALLY DO!!!! HA HA. Great minds think alike, I guess. But I'll change mine again. Good taste, Stef! :0)
Can you believe how fast the time goes by? I can't believe my babies are already one!! I am impressed that you were not crying... whenever that country song "it won't be like this for long" comes on, I tear up, because it is so true!!
We had pictures with Natalie yesterday! She is so amazing!! We are going out to Gilbert (power ranch) on Monday and she said that her goal is to get them done by then and we will swing by to pick them up... maybe we can coordinate something so we can meet up!!
Oh my gosh I totally know how you feel Stef! It is such a bittersweet feeling having them grow up! I can't believe our kids are freakin sunbeams already! That is crazy! That is when me and Clifford met! haha Corban and Kylee could totally meet their future spouses! Kylee will love preschool! Corban loves it so much! It has been awesome for him! He doesn't go back until the 21st though and every day he asks when he is going to school! I hope he stays like that forever and always wants to go to school! haha Ya right!
I loved my conversation with kylee on wed...how she told me she went to school and then she went to school and you looked at me like, "what the heck is she saying"...it reminds me of the look she gave you when you dropped her off! Lol, now we know where she gets THOSE looks from :)
I cant believe it! Madi started Primary this year too. Its so crazy how fast it goes!! She is a doll though thats awesome she was so excited. And look at you bein a big girl too letting your lil one go to school without cryin!!! We need to get together. Im in az!
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