I feel the need to blog, even though nothing has really happened in a while (that seems blog worthy). But regardless, I treat this blog as my journal and if I want to stay up-to-date, I need to blog about my life at least once a week.
A "first" did happen this week for Kylee. She has never had the stomach flu.....she dodged it for 3 years and 8 months......until this past week. Luckily it only lasted 12 hours! I've never seen her so sick. It was the saddest thing ever! Even when she has 100+ degree temperatures, she's is usually still bouncing off the walls and a happy girl. Well, not this time! This was her from 2am until noon.....
Later that week (last Friday), Jodi and I drove out to the west side and hung out with Tausha! When we were in high school, we used to "splurge" every so now and then and go to Ah So for dinner. It's sooo yummy! I love the volcano onion the chef burns up right in front of your face! It makes me jump back every time! Anyway, here we are enjoying our yummy, yet expensive, feast! Mmmm!


David's first week at the new job has been great! This week (starting week 2) he is getting "worked out" by a guy who used to be a drill sargeant in the academy. So needless to say, he's getting his booty kicked! It's good for him though! He'll be in tip-top shape by the time June rolls around and he is ready to start the academy. I'm so proud of my man!
poor kylee! The flu is the WORST! I think Keaton had it too but he threw up in the car all over ZACHARY!!! I thanked Zach for saving my car seats:) Still waiting for a pic of Uncle David in his cop pants, I don't think Keaton will believe me until he sees it!
I can't believe Kylee hadn't had the stomach flu until then! That is crazy! Corban has had it a couple times at least! It is so sad but at the same time it's kinda nice to have a break! haha I'm jealous you girls went out for lunch! I love Ah So's and I haven't been there in years!
glad it didn't last long and she feels better
there is NOTHING worse than seeing your baby sick. the stomach flu is no fun. emmi got it for the 1st time at the beginning of the year, she had it while we were driving home from st. george, NOT pleasant.
how fun that you get out and have a girls night every once in a while.
i still can't believe david is a cop. are you guys totally going to be watching that new southland la show? haha. i will be... i think it looks good. great, all i need is another show to be obsessed with.
I sure hope this crap stops floating around! I hope she feels better!
The answer to your question is YES.
no fun being sick! poor girl! hey a girl posted about your volleyball stuff at the BFC- so great. I hope some of my YW do it... they would love it!
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