Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Help Help Help!!!

I know there are a lot of mothers out there who have the experience and advice I need so please help me with something! We made the transition of moving Kylee to a bed from her crib in January and for the first 3 weeks, she did GREAT! She slept the entire night through without crying or getting up in the middle of the night. (I knew it was too good to be true). Now, all of a sudden for the past week and a half, she has been getting up consistently every two hours. She comes to my bedside and just wants me to hold her. She's not crying or anything, but just wants me to hold her. I REFUSE to put her in bed with me because I know by just doing that one time, it will cause long term damage! So I pick her up and just take her right back to her bed. I tell her that she needs to sleep in her own bed and as I'm taking her back to her bed, she says "okay" and is fine and falls right back asleep. But then 2 hours later, the same routine happens. This happens 3 times a night!

So last night I put up a baby gate at your door way so she couldn't get out of her room. Well, that was soooooo sad because she would get up at her usual time and just scream bloody murder at her door way and scream my name over and over. It was too sad for me to bare so I came and picked her up and laid her back in bed. She whimpered a bit but fell back asleep right away. I took the gate down because I felt like it was torture or something. But then 2 more times she came out to me only this time she was crying each time. So did I cause more damage by doing that? She never used to wake up crying to my bedside but now she does.

I'm all out of options! I don't know what to do but I do know that I WANT MY SLEEP BACK! What have you all done in this situation? Any success stories? Oh, and I even tried putting all of her babies and stuffed animals that she loves in bed with her thinking that would give her a sense of security, but that failed too!


hdawgy said...

Oh my gosh Stefany! I wish I had an answer for you! I feel for you though that you want your sleep back! Sleep is precious! The only thing I can think of is when you first put her to sleep at night does she go to sleep on her own or do you have to put her to sleep or be in there when she falls asleep? I read that a child who falls asleep on their own will be able to put themselves back to sleep at night when they wake up because they are used to it already! I don't know if that would be the reason though cuz she was sleeping fine until recently! I hope that helps! Good Luck! Keep me posted!

Justina Selim said...

Not sure if this will help, but I have had a lot of sleep issues with Aiden and I found a book that I really like since I am also not up for the letting them cry it out thing. It is called The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. She wrote one for babies and toddlers and another for toddlers and preschoolers. I like the one for toddlers and preschoolers best. She does whole chapters on special situations that kids that age have. I hope this helps! I checked mine out at the library, free, haha. Not sleeping well is the worst for the moms and the kids! Good luck!

hdawgy said...

Gosh that sucks! I figured she already went to sleep on her own! I don't know! That is just so wierd! That book Justina is talking about sounds like a good one! Hopefully you can figure it out soon! Get some rest!

Gates & Tausha said...

i got nothin...but a "good luck stefany" goes out to ya! :) i need my sleep...and mommys do especially! what if you told her she'd get a prize in the morning if she stayed in her bed all night?

Gates & Tausha said...

that's a good idea stef...that was actually the first idea that came to my mind, but i felt silly suggesting it! :) i hope it works!!!

Stefany Pew said...

Good news for all of you that have read this......Kylee did MUCH better last night! Instead of carrying her to her room and laying her down in her bed, I made her walk to her room and crawl into bed herself. This way she doesn't have to feel that security of me carrying her and laying her in bed like I have been. So she did wake up ONCE last night (instead of 3 times) and when she did come to my bedside, I made her walk to her bedroom (with me behind her) and she got into her bed herself. I think it made a difference. It somehow makes her feel independent and helps her know that she doesn't need to depend on me to help her fall back asleep. We'll see how things continue to go with me using this new tactic!!

Stefany Pew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hdawgy said...

That's awesome Stef! I'm glad she did better last night! That was a good idea and hopefully it will keep working! I love that you commented to yourself! haha

heidi said...

bribes. bribes. bribes. if she sleeps in her bed all night then take her for ice cream in the morning for breakfast. I've not done it, but heard it works. :)
glad it went better nonetheless!!!!

Melissa Gardner said...

consistency, consistency.. it sounds like you got it down though.. good job.. good job not putting her in bed with ya, i made that mistake with my oldest, and had a worse problem after that.. i like heidi's bribe idea.. that is what i had to do with tylee too.. she got it down and now on to potty training.. can't wait to be done with that.. your an awesome mom, steph.. keep up the good work.