I was gone last night at a volleyball meeting (as always) and David and Kylee stayed home together. All of a sudden I get a phone call at about 8:30pm and the first words I hear are....."How do you get gum out of hair?" Oh great!!! Not my precious curls!!! No! I was thinking the worst. David didn't explain the details but he said that she had a big wad of gum in her hair and it wasn't in a place where he could just cut it out. I asked around and the best solution I was told was to ice it. So David did and eventually got it out without having to cut off those "sacred" curls! hahaha
I thought the conversation between David and Kylee was cute. This is how it went....according to David:
Kylee: "Daddy, I have gum in my hair"
David: "Well how did that happen"
Kylee: "I was trying to put it in my mouth and I accidentally put it in my hair instead"
I of course told him to take pictures of it because this is definately a blog worthy event. After looking at the pictures, it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be. Judging by the last picture, Kylee thought it was hilarious! Her facial expression looks a little evil though........maybe she did this on purpose to freak Daddy out! Hahahaha! I wouldn't be surprised!
PS.....I still need Christmas lights if any of you have some to spare. Read post below and you'll know what I'm talking about! Thanks!