Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My little model!

BEWARE......you are about to encounter a billion pictures!!! Natalie took a ton and we had to pick through them and find the best ones. Well, the best "ones" turned out to be over 30 pictures! I didn't even post all of them because it would've taken you all an hour to look at them all. So I just posted some of them. They turned out way too cute to not post!


Christina Contreras said...

Cute pictures. She is getting so big! I love kylee!!!

Heather said...

Stef-- you have a BEAUTIFUL daughter! I love the red dress ones and the one laid back on the stairs and the one... ok they are all adorable! Great job Nat and Kylee!

Justina Selim said...

Those turned out so good! I love the sepia tone ones. I think that's what they are called anyways! Cute girl!

Cara said...

She is quite the little model-- but when you are that cute how could you not be!!! I love them all!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness what a cutie. Love the pics.

Cath said...

She is sooo cute! You are going to have to lock her up when she hits school!!

*Katie May* said...

She is beautiful! What fun pictures! What are you going to do with them all?

Teryn said...

I am so glad you emailed me! These pictures are the cutest EVER!! I hope you are doing well.
I started a blog not too long ago. It's kinda lame, but I try to update it a couple times a week. check it out. www.thejensenjoint.blogspot.com
Love ya lots-

Jami said...

How lucky you are to have one of the best photographers in your family. I love Natalie's pictures!!!! She's taken ALL of the ones I have on my walls in my house! Kylee looks absolutely adorable in her pictures! The one with her in her red dress looking down wins the prize for me. Love it! :0)

Gina Moody said...

SOOOOO ADORABLE!! Don't you hope that you will have as many pictures of your other kids as you do your first.... You are lucky to have such a fabulous photographer in your family!!!

hdawgy said...

Stefany they turned out absolutely adorable! Natty is pretty much amazing! I love the cute little red dress! Kylee is gorgeous!

Stephanie said...

She is gorgeous! I love the white dress! I am so jealous that you have a sister who takes amazing pics! She is a doll... you need some more:)

Gates & Tausha said...

G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!! all of them....i love them ALLL.....submit to a contest man! natalie rocks.

Jamie said...

she's such a babe!!! cute pics!! come play at our house "Ky-ee" we miss you!!

Chunky Monkey said...

My fav is hte second one and the last one.She is too cute!!!!

Mandy said...

Your sister is so talented and your daughter is adorable. I love her big eyes and ringlets. This is Mandy "Prine" by the way.

hdawgy said...

Well we actually didn't really even notice any signs or anything! He wasn't running into anything or tripping over things but we just took him and had him tested for speech and when they do that they also test his hearing and eyes! They said he has signs of far sidedness and that we should take him to the eye doc! So we did and sure enough he is far sided! So that's really the only reason we took him! It wouldn't hurt to go get Kylee's eyes checked just to be safe because she probably wouldn't know to tell you she can't see or that things are blurry only because she wouldn't know any different ya know! Just a thought! So anyway we had an episode today when it was nap time Corban had a fit because he wanted to keep his glasses on to sleep! He really likes to wear them now! It's hilarious! I thought it would be much harder than it is so far! Thank goodness!

Heather Brown said...

OH MY GOSH!!! How cute are those pics!! She is adorable. I LOVE the one of her leanin back on the stairs like she's all that!! SO CUTE!!!