So going back to the original "bet" on the Cardinals.....that if they won, I'd go blonde. Well, it didn't happen (as you all sadly know) but I was still encouraged by most everyone to go ahead with my end of the deal and go blonde. Well, almost 2 months later and here I am doing it!
Here I am all excited in my BEFORE PICTURE:
Still excited while getting my hair did!
I had about 5 pounds of foil in my hair! AWESOME!
Um....and here is the end product from day one! I say "day one" because we ended up touching up the "orange colored" highlights! Wasn't quite what we had expected!

And here is the FINAL FINAL product of my hair journey. I was fully expecting to go semi-platinum blonde but I came to the hard realization that it's not going to happen over night when I've been DARK my entire life!
Maybe in time I will get to that barbie blonde that everyone was hoping for! LOL! I love my hair the way it turned out right now. It reminds me of the way it looked when I got married, and that was my most favorite hair style! Thanks Tanya and thanks for the 6 1/2 hours of working on my hair! Seriously.....6 1/2 hours!!! You rock!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! You look sooooooo adorable! You are brave by making that change, but it is soooo cute!! Well done my friend!
Cute Stef! I think this is much better than Barbie blonde! Looks good:)
Stefy I LOVE it! It looks soooo good! That's pretty blonde compared to how dark your hair was too! I think you should keep it like that and don't do the barbie blonde!
it looks great!
you look like a babe!!!
I love it- way better than Barbie!!!
I love it! I say stick with this and not so much the barbie blonde:) You look great with blonde hair (imagine me with dark brown... kind of scary! I don't think I am as brave as you are?!)
You already know I think you make a hot blonde! I just had to post about it too! Hahaha
Your hair looks so cute! Love it!
I really like it! Super cute!!! although I am sure that you don't want to hear that your CUTE! Awesome Awesome!!!
looks great!
Very pretty hair cut. congrats and you have a beautiful family..
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