Thursday, March 26, 2009

Getting to know Kylee...

This girl never ceases to amaze me. When it comes to Kylee, there are a few things you need to know:
A. She LOVES to dance and sing
B. She LOVES to read books and she has them memorized after 2 readings
C. She LOVES to clean
D. She LOVES to wear night gowns (or slips that she thinks are night gowns)
E. She LOVES to have her hair down so that she can swish it around like a princess
As you will see in these pictures below, 3 of the 5 things she loves to do on a daily basis are shown here (C, D, and E)!

I'm sure I'll have to use dishes as a "chore" for her to earn allowance one day, but for now, I use it as leverage and take away her "dishes" privileges when she is not behaving. It's GREAT! She even knows where to put all the dishes in the dish washer. I don't have to re-organize the dishes before running the washer. The only "downside" to letting her do all the dishes is that it wastes a lot of water! But I think I can manage with that. I LOVE this girl!


*Katie May* said...

That's great she love to clean :)

Stephanie said...

how fun is she! I am still in love with her hair too!

hdawgy said...

That is awesome! Enjoy it cuz Corban could care less about "helping with dishes or anything" haha He would just play with the water and get it everywhere and make a huge mess! haha He's a total boy I guess! haha

Cath said...

She is adorable! Dishes around here is like torture.

Ry & Kenna said...

Stef, I just have to tell you that I have never seen a more beautiful little girl than your Kylee. I swear she is gorgeous, I think she gets it from her mama! Well I just wanted to tell you hi and I hope your doing wonderful. It sounds like your super busy! I'l talk to you later!


Shannon said...

What a cutie! I love her hair too.