This past weekend was a crazy busy one! My volleyball team had a national qualifier tournament in Denver Colorado so I left on Thursday. David then got invited to go to his brother's cabin, with his other brother's family, so him and Kylee took off Friday night. Thank you to Lee and Courtney for keeping my "babies" busy and helping them have fun while I was gone!!
Here are some pictures from my crazy Colorado adventure...
Me and Jaime on the plane there...
Matti and Stacy......I have beautiful girls on my team!
We didn't play until 4pm on the first day so we found a shopping center that had a California Pizza Kitchen in it. So we got our grub on! This is us waiting outside for our table. (We are wearing pink because the first day of the tourney was a "dig pink" event that honored the support of finding a cure for breast cancer. It was awesome. Every team was wearing pink.....and there were at LEAST 300 teams there! Amazing!
Me and Jaime again at the complex waiting for our team to play!
Mikalie being goofy as usual.....watching a team play on the court before us.
Elevator pic at our hotel!
A shot of the convention center where we played. There were 74 courts there. It was HUGE!

Um....this note is a funny story! My girls were apparently being too "noisy" late one night at the hotel and so we found a HATE note on our van window the next morning. It's too small to read but it basically says that they hope we lose by 1 point every game and get in last place because that's what we deserve. Hahaha! Little do they know that it's IMPOSSIBLE to lose by 1 point in volleyball! Oh, and we ended up winning ALL our games this day! Haha!

A funny picture from Coach Jaime's computer.
We had some time to spare between games so my girls improvised and kept themselves "busy"!

* onto David and Kylee's little weekend adventure up in the snow....
Uncle "Lee-Bob" playing with Kylee.....(so cute!)
Kylee and her most favorite person in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD...Navy Grace! Kylee wants to be just like her. She idolizes the ground she walks on!
Kylee being Kylee!
Kylee was mad because she didn't get to go inside Walmart. This is her "mad/sad" face!
We had so much fun on our seperate adventures this past weekend. I sure did miss my baby girl and hubby! It was so good to come home and catch up on some time lost away from each other.
Looks like a fun volleyball trip! So nice that it worked out for your husband and girl to have something fun to do too!
you are one busy women... seeing volleyball pictures brings back many memories. next week i'm starting to play on a co-ed volleyball team every tuesday night and i am so excited. can't wait to play again. kylee is so adorable... with all her faces.
you mean Mar mart!!! Ha! I love how you failed to mention that the girls were in our room having a meeting the night they were "too loud"!! haha oh my gosh, I LOVE US!!!
haha I love Kylee's sad face! Gotta love it! What a fun trip for David and Kylee! k I think David and his bro look alot alike cuz I would've thought that was David playing with Kylee if you didn't say it was her uncle Lee Bob What a fun volleyball trip too! Like always! I bet you are the best/funnest coach ever! That Pink shirt day was a good idea! I bet that was cool to see! I'm glad you guys did good!
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