Thursday, May 21, 2009

Preschool graduation......(kind of)

Kylee's preschool had their graduation today. Kylee is done for this year but won't really graduate and be done until next May. I still can't believe how fast she is growing up. I look at the kids who are going into Kindergarten in August and it freaks me out knowing that will be Kylee next year! Where did my baby go???
The class started out by saying the pledge of allegiance........notice Kylee has the wrong hand on her heart! LOL

Here they are singing songs that they learned throughout the year.

Getting her diploma. She was jumping around so I didn't get a still shot of her here. But look at that hair!!! Woo hoo!


Eating yummy dessert after!

Taking a picture with some of her friends (Matt, Ty and Tylee)

Her amazing teacher Miss Jill! She is awesome!

Here is a video of her telling her riddle. Each child quoted a riddle with a "prop" and this was Kylee's. So funny!


nevedobson said...

i am jealous of kylee's hair.

*Katie May* said...

cute video! They DO grow fast :(

Justina Selim said...

Fun! I can't wait for Aiden to do preschool. Cute video!