Sunday, July 19, 2009


David's 30th birthday party was long-time in coming for me. I wanted so badly for him to be surprised all day long! His birthday was Friday but his actual party celebration wasn't until Saturday, so I had to throw him a "mock" birthday party on Friday so he wouldn't get suspicious. Here are some of our good friends who came to help me "fake" David out! We had cake, ice cream and played games like we always do! Fun times!
David thought that this was his party. He was happy and thanked me for a great birthday! hahaha.....little did he know what was coming up the next day! Mwa ah ah!!
Saturday morning David was mowing the lawn when he got a phone call from his brother. He was picking him up to help him with a "job" in Phoenix. David went thinking he was doing just that. Then they pulled up to a paintball place and as they walked inside, David saw 9 other people there waiting for him. He was so shocked! He had NO IDEA!! I'm so glad because I thought he knew the entire time but just wasn't saying anything. They ended up playing paintball for 3 hours and had a blast!
Then we went over to his sister's house for BBQ and swimming. The whole day was perfect and I'm so glad he had no idea!
Some of the guys hanging out outside by the pool...
Some of the kids eating icecream and cake (Mmmmmm)
Singing and blowing out the candles on his cake...

The cake!!! It's hard to see here but I made a picture by going to ( and put his face on a rock hard body builder's body! On the top it says "Happy 30th David" and on the bottom it says "The academy sure is paying off". Hahahaha! The cake was a hit!

Thank you to everyone who helped make David's day so special. It couldn't have worked out better! It was perfect!


*Katie May* said...

how fun. I hope Sienna was good today.

hdawgy said...

That is so awesome! I want to surprise CLifford so bad but I can never do it! Maybe next year! haha Happy Bday David! He's an old man now! haha I love the cake too! Hilarious! I love how you did the mock bday party! You are an awesome wifey!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the cake!!! That picture is hilarious!